It's Mr.Sprinkles!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cake Pops Cause Riots

A farewell BBQ at work sparked the need for a dessert buffet. My friend Harjit (remember the Tiffany Candy Buffet?) and I created this sweet confectionary spread. All the cake pops and the desserts disappeared.

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Squares

Swiss Meringue Buttercream with Fresh Raspberries and Lemon Cupcakes

Big Screen Success!

In case you can't tell, Dan is sporting his new Superman jacket, the Smallville edition. How cool is that jacket?!

Ok, enough about the jacket :) On to the baked goods we sold! 

I chose to represent 6 different movies. On the left hand side are chocolate chip wookiee cookies from the Star Wars cookbook. My favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. On the right, I used the same recipe, but swapped out the chips for Reese's Pieces. ET's Reese's Pieces Cookies. I think some people were distracted by the toys :)

I used martini glasses to display my Casino Royal themed cake pops.

What's a movie-inspired baker's table without Ghostbusters represented? And really, it was just an excuse to bring Stay Puft with me. Stay Puft Chocolate Rice Krispie Squares.

I made my little yellow cake dinosaurs for Jurassic Park and Mini Ruby Slipper Bundt Cakes for the Wizard of Oz.

Thank you to everyone that came out to support a worthy cause!