In case you can't tell, Dan is sporting his new Superman jacket, the Smallville edition. How cool is that jacket?!
Ok, enough about the jacket :) On to the baked goods we sold!
I chose to represent 6 different movies. On the left hand side are chocolate chip wookiee cookies from the Star Wars cookbook. My favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. On the right, I used the same recipe, but swapped out the chips for Reese's Pieces. ET's Reese's Pieces Cookies. I think some people were distracted by the toys :)
I used martini glasses to display my Casino Royal themed cake pops.
What's a movie-inspired baker's table without Ghostbusters represented? And really, it was just an excuse to bring Stay Puft with me. Stay Puft Chocolate Rice Krispie Squares.
I made my little yellow cake dinosaurs for Jurassic Park and Mini Ruby Slipper Bundt Cakes for the Wizard of Oz.
Thank you to everyone that came out to support a worthy cause!